Fellows’ Publications/Honors


Sunil Agnani, Departments of English and History, 2016-2017 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Sunil Agnani

Agnani, Sunil. “Edmund Burke and Hannah Arendt: Resentment and the Social Question in the Context of Decolonization.” boundary 2. Volume 49.4 (Nov 2022).

Agnani, Sunil. “Comment ne pas lire les Lumières : John Morley et la réception victorienne de l’Histoire des deux Indes.” Diderot et politique, aujourd’hui. Edited by Marie Leca-Tsiomis and Ann Thomson. Paris: Société Diderot, 2019.

Agnani, Sunil.  “Colonial Ressentiment, Enlightenment Thought, and the Impasses of Decolonization.” Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 (SEL). SEL 56 (Autumn 2016): 799-821.

Agnani, Sunil. “The Reception of Edmund Burke’s Imperial Ideas Relating to India, or Burke, the Brahmin and the Hot-House.”  The Reception of Edmund Burke in Europe,  edited by Peter Jones and Michael Fitzpatrick. London: Bloomsbury Press/Continuum, January 2017.

Agnani, Sunil. “Edmund Burke and Hannah Arendt: Resentment and the Social Question in the Context of Decolonization.” boundary 2. Volume 49.4 (Nov 2022).

Tarini Bedi, Department of Anthropology,  2015-2016 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Tarini Bedi

Bedi, Tarini.  Mumbai Taximen: Autobiographies and Automobilities in India. University Washington Press, 2022.

Christopher Boyer, Departments of History and Latin American and Latino Studies , 2009-2010 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Christopher Boyer

Boyer, Christopher R., Political Landscapes: Forests, Conservation, and Community in Mexico. Duke University Press, 2015.

Boyer, Christopher R., ed. A Land Between Waters: Environmental Histories of Modern Mexico. University of Arizona Press, 2012.

Mark Canuel, Departments of English, 2016-2017 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Mark Canuel
  • The Fate of Progress in British Romanticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.
  • Religion, Toleration, and British Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Joaquín M. Chávez, Department of History, 2014-2015 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Joaquín M. Chávez

Chávez, Joaquín. “How Did the Civil War in El Salvador End?”. The American Historical Review 120.5 (2015): 1784-1797.

Chávez, Joaquín. Poets and Prophets of the Resistance: Intellectuals and the Origins of El Salvador’s Civil War. Oxford University Press, 2017.

Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2017

Chávez, Joaquín. “Política sin armas y armas sin política: un legado de los Acuerdos de Paz de El Salvador.” LASAFORUM, Winter 2017, Vol XLVIII, Issue I, 7-9.

Chávez, Joaquín. “El Salvador’s Elusive Peace,” NACLA Report on the Americas, 2016, Vol. 48, No. 2, 107-110.

Chávez, Joaquín. “The Cold War in Central America: Authoritarianism, Empire, and Social Revolution” in Robert Holden, Editor, Handbook of Central American History (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020).

Ralph Cintron, Department of English and Latin American Studies, 2013-2014 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Ralph Cintron

Cintron, Ralph. Democracy as Fetish (The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2019).

Cintron, Ralph & Hariman, Robert (eds). Culture, Catastrophe, Rhetoric: the Texture of Political Action. Berghahn Books, 2015.

Cintron, Ralph. “From Revolution to Catastrophe.” The Thinker on the Stage 1: Belgrade Journal of Media and Communications. 6.7 (2015).

Cintron, Ralph. “Things of the World”: Migration, Presence, and the Arts of Presencing” with Jason Schneider, Philosophy and Rhetoric, 52-2 (2019): 115-141.

Cintron, Ralph. “Thinking with/Not with Theories of Decolonization” with Casey Corcoran and David Bleeden, College English, 84-1 (2021): 138-158.

Cintron, Ralph. “Esta Chingadera” Philosophy & Rhetoric, 55:1 (2022): 13-18. Special issue: What Cannot Be Said.

Jonathan Daly, Department of History, 2002-2003 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Jonathan Daly

Daly, Jonathan. “The Pleiade: Five Scholars Who Founded Russian Historical Studies in the United States.” Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History, Volume 18, Number 4, Fall 2017, pp. 785-826.

Daly, Jonathan. The Watchful State: Security Police and Opposition in Russia, 1906–1917. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2004.

Claire Decoteau, Department of Sociology, 2019-2020 Faculty Fellow

Claire Decoteau

The Western Disease: Contesting Autism in the Somali Diaspora. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021.

2022 Star Nelkin Award, Science, Knowledge and Technology Section, American Sociological Association

2022 Robert K. Merton Book Award, Science, Knowledge and Technology Section, ASA

“Vaccine Hesitancy and the Accumulation of Distrust” (with Paige L. Sweet). Social Problems 70 (2023).

“Scientific Hegemony and the Field of Autism” (with Meghan Daniel). American Sociological Review 85 (2020): 451-476.

The Western Disease: Contesting Autism in the Somali Diaspora. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021.

(2019-2020) Distinguished Scholar in Social Sciences, 2023-2024.

Tatjana Gajić, Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies, 2015-2016 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Tatjana Gajić

Gajić, Tatjana. Paradoxes of Stasis: Literatures, Politics, and Thought in Francoist Spain. University of Nebraska Press, 2019.

Adam Goodman, Departments of History & Latin American and Latino Studies, 2018-2019 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Adam Goodman

Goodman, Adam. The Deportation Machine: America’s Long History of Expelling Immigrants (Princeton University Press, 2020).

Finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize in History; Winner of the Henry Adams Book Prize, Society for History in the Federal Government; Winner of the PROSE Award in North American History, Association of American Publishers; Honorable Mention for the Theodore Saloutos Book Award, Immigration and Ethnic History Society; Finalist for the Shapiro Book Prize, The Shapiro Center for American History and Culture at The Huntington.

Aidan Gray, Department of Philosophy, 2016-2017 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Aidan Gray

Gray, Aidan. “Relational approaches to Frege’s puzzle.” Philosophy Compass, 2017.

Gray, Aidan. “Relational approaches to Frege’s puzzle.” Philosophy Compass 12, 10 (2017).

Gray, Aidan. “Indistinguishable Senses.” Noûs, 2018.

Gray, Aidan. “Minimal Fregeanism”. Mind. 2021.


Rachel Havrelock, Department of English, 2006-2007 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Rachel Havrelock

“Oil and the Origins of Middle Eastern Sovereignty.” Theory and Criticism 49 (2018): 261-274, Hebrew version.

Visionary Award, Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters, September 25, 2018.

“Oil and the Origins of Middle Eastern Sovereignty.” Israel-Palestine: Lands and Peoples, Omer Bartov, ed. New York: Berghahn Books, 2021.

The Joshua Generation: Israeli Occupation and the Bible. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020.

River Jordan: The Mythology of a Dividing Line. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011.

“The Ancient Past that Oil Built,” The Bible & Critical Theory 11.2 (2015): 51-60.

“The Borders Beneath: On Pipelines and Resource Sovereignty,” South Atlantic Quarterly 116.2 (2017): 408-416.

Op-ed, “Militarizing the Bible: A warning from Israel-Palestine to Trump’s America,” Haaretz, June 24, 2020 (translated into Arabic by Al-jazeera, June 26, 2020).

Rosilie Hernandez, Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies, 2014-2015 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Rosilie Hernandez

Hernandez, Rosilie.  Immaculate Conceptions: The Power of the Religious Imagination in Early Modern Spain (Toronto University Press, 2019).

Hernandez, Rosilie. “Friends in High Places: The Correspondence of Felipe IV and Sor Maria de Agreda.” Perspectives on Early Modern Women in Iberia and the Americas: Studies in Law, Society, Art and Literature in Honor of Anne J. Cruz” (2015): 422-442.


Michael R. Jin, Global Asian Studies Program, 2018-2019  Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Jin, Michael R. Citizens, Immigrants, and the Stateless: A Japanese American Diaspora in the Pacific. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2022.

Cedric Johnson, Department of African-American Studies and Political Science, 2013-2014 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Cedric Johnson

Johnson, Cedric. “Between Revolution and the Racial Ghetto: Harold Cruse and Harry Haywood Debate Class Struggle and the ‘Negro Question’ 1962-8”, Historical Materialism 24.1 (2016): 1-39.

Anna Kornbluh, Department of English, 2009-2010 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Anna Kornbluh

Immediacy, Or, The Style of Too Late Capitalism. New York: Verso Books, 2023.

The Order of Forms: Realism, Formalism, and Social Space. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019.

Realizing Capital: Financial and Psychic Economies in Victorian Form. New York: Fordham University Press, 2014.

Victor Margolin, Professor Emeritus of Design History

Victor Margolin

Margolin, Victor. World History of Design, Two Volumes. Bloomsburg Academic, 2017.

Steven Marsh, Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies, 2010-2011 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Steven Marsh

Marsh, Steven. Spanish Cinema Against Itself: Cosmopolitanism, Experimentation, Militancy (Indiana UP, 2019)

Marsh, Steven. (ed) “Untimely Materialities: Spanish Film and Spectrality.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. 15.3 (2014).

Ellen McClure, Department of French and Francophile Studies, 2010-2011 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Ellen McClure

McClure, Ellen. The Logic of Idolatry in Seventeenth-Century French Literature (Boydell & Brewer, March 2020)

Nasser Mufti, Department of English, 2015-2016 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Nasser Mufti

Civilizing War: Imperial Politics and the Poetics of National Rupture. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2017.

Winner of the Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities, awarded by the Council of Graduate Schools

Honorable Mention for the 2019 Sonya Rudikoff Prize, awarded by the Northeast Victorian Studies Association.

Kim Potowski, Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies, 2013-2014, Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Kim Potoski

Potowski, Kim. IntraLatino Language and Identity: MexiRican Spanish. John Benjamins Publishing Company [IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society, 43]  2016.

Potowski, Kim. “Ethnolinguistic Identities and Ideologies among Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and “MexiRicans” in Chicago.” A Sociolinguistics of Diaspora: Latino Practices, Identities, and Ideologies. Ed. Rosina Márquez-Reiter and Luisa Martín Rojo. Routledge, 2015. Print.

Robin Reames, Department of English, 2015-2016, Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Robin Reames

Reames, Robin.  Seeming and Being in Plato’s Rhetorical Theory. University of Chicago Press, 2018.

Yann Robert, Department of French and Francophone Studies, 2020-2021, Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Yann Robert

Robert, Yann. “The Return of Play, or the End of Revolutionary Theater.” In Modes of Play, eds. Fayçal Falaky and Reginald McGinnis, Bucknell, PA: Bucknell UP, 2021: 151-167.

Robert, Yann. “Vigilante, Brigand, Terrorist: Staging Popular Justice in Revolutionary Times.” Early Modern French Studies 42 (2020): 198-217.

Mary Beth Rose, Department of English, 2016-2017 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Mary Beth Rose

Rose, Mary Beth.  Plotting Motherhood in Medieval, Early Modern, and Modern Literature, in Early Modern Cultural Studies Series, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

Heidi Schlipphacke, Department of Germanic Studies, 2017-2018 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Heidi Schlipphacke

co-ed. Sissi’s World: The Empress Elisabeth in Memory and Myth. Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.

The Aesthetics of Kinship: Form and Family in the Long Eighteenth Century. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2023.

“Reimagining Diderot’s Aesthetics: Lessing’s Dramatic Tableaux.” Lessing Yearbook XLVI (2019): 71-91.

“Kinship and Aesthetic Depth: The Tableau Vivant in Goethe’s  Wahlverwandtschaften.” Publications of the English Goethe Society 87 (2018): 147-65.

Awarded Goethe Society of North America Prize for the best essay published in 2018 on Goethe, his times, and/ or contemporary figures.

Sally Sedgwick, Department of Philosophy, 2004-2005, 2011-2012 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Sally Sedgwick

Time and History in Hegelian Thought and Spirit. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023.

Hegel’s Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

Jeff Sklansky, Department of History, 2012-2013 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Jeff Slansky

Jeffrey Sklansky, Sovereign of the Market: The Money Question in Early America (University of Chicago Press, 2017).

Honorable Mention for the Best Book in U.S. Intellectual History Prize from the Society for U.S. Intellectual History, 2018.

Salome Aguilera-Skvirsky, Cinema and Media Studies Department, 2014-2015 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Salome Skvirsky

Salome Aguirela Skvirsky. “Las cargas de la representación: Notas sobre la raza y la representacíon en el cine latinoamericano [The Burdens of Representation: Notes on Race and Representation in Latin American Cinema].”Vademécum del cine iberoamericano: Métodos y teorías: an inaugural issue of a new series Vademécum de Hispanófila. Afinoguénova, Eugenia, Samuel Amago and Kathryn Everly (eds.) Hispanófila 177, Spring 2016.

Skvirsky, Salome Aguirela.  The Process Genre: Cinema and the Aesthetic of Labor.  Duke University Press, 2020. Best First Book Award 2021 from the Society of Cinema and Media Studies. Finalist in “Media and Cultural Studies” category for 2021 PROSE Book Awards, Association of American Publishers. Shortlist 2021 Kraszne-Knusz Moving Image Book Award.

Will Small, Department of Philosophy, 2017-2018 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Will Small

Small, Will. “Basic Action and Practical Knowledge.” Philosophers’ Imprint 19, no. 19 (2019).

Small, Will. ‘Practical Knowledge and Habits of Mind’, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 54(2), 2020, 377–97.

Small, Will. ‘Anscombe on Action and Practical Knowledge’, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Skill and Expertise, eds. Ellen Fridland and Carlotta Pavese, Routledge, 2020, 113–21.

Small, Will. ‘The Intelligence of Virtue and Skill’, Journal of Value Inquiry, 2021.

David Stovall, Department of Black Studies & Criminology, Law, and Justice, 2019-2020 Faculty Fellow

David Stovall

Stovall, D. (2020).  ‘On Worries and Joy:  School Abolition and the Necessity of Ancestral Wisdom.’  Rootwork Journal, 1(1), 55-61.

Stovall, D. (2020).  ‘On Knowing:  Willingness, Fugitivity and Abolition in Precarious Times.’  Journal of Language, Literacy and Education, 16(1), 1-6.

Camangian, P.R., Philoxene, D.A. & Stovall, D. (2021).  Upsetting the (Schooling) Set Up:  Autoethnography as Critical Race Methodology.  International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 1-15DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2021.1930266.

Buenavista, T. L., Cariaga, S., Curammeng, E. R., McGovern, E. R., Pour-Khorshid, F., Stovall, D. O., & Valdez, C. (2021). A praxis of critical race love: Toward the abolition of cisheteropatriarchy and toxic masculinity in educational justice formations. Educational Studies 57(3), 238-249.

Stovall, D. (2020).  Talking Old Soldiers:  Research, Education, Intersectionality and Critical Race Praxis in the “End Times”.  In A.D. Dixson, G. Ladson-Billings, C.E. Suarez, W.T. Trent and J. Anderson (Eds.), Condition or process?:  Researching race in education. Washington D.C.: American Educational Research Association. 

Stovall, David. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Social Justice in Education Award, 2020Stovall, David. University of Chicago Black Metropolis Research Consortium Summer Fellowship Grant, 2020

Sandy Sufian, Departments of Medical Education and Disability and Human Development, 2012-2013 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Sandy Sufian

Familial Fitness: Disability, Adoption, and Family in Modern America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2022.

2022 Outstanding Book Award, Honorable Mention. Disability History Association.

“As Long as Parents Can Accept Them: Medical Disclosure, Risk, and Disability in Twentieth-Century American Adoption Practice.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 91 (2017): 94-124.

“Compounded Anxieties: Adoptive Family Building and the Role of Disability in Adoption IQ Studies.” The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 7 (2014): 398-429.

Karen Underhill; Department of Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian Studies; 2016-2017 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Karen Underhill

Karen Underhill.“Bruno Schulz’s Galician Diasporism: On the 1937 Essay ‘E. M. Lilien’ and Rokhl Korn’s Review of Cinnamon Shops,” Jewish Social Studies: History, Culture, Society n.s. 24, no. 1 (Fall 2018): 1–33. Bruno Schulz and Galician Jewish Modernity, Indiana University Press, 2024.

Javier Villa-Flores, Department of Latin-American and Latino Studies, 2002-2003, 2012-2013 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Javier Villa-Flores

From the Ashes of History: Loss and Recovery of Archives and Libraries in Modern Latin America (ed. with Carlos Aguirre). Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015.

Emotions and Daily Life in Colonial Mexico (ed. with Sonya Lipsett-Rivera). Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2014.

Dangerous Speech: A Social History of Blasphemy in Colonial Mexico. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2006.

Yue Zhang, Department of Political Science, 2012-2013 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Yue Zhang

“Building a Slum-Free Mumbai.” Policy Brief, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2016.

“Governing Art Districts: State Control and Cultural Production in Contemporary China.” The China Quarterly 219 (2014): 827-848.

The Fragmented Politics of Urban Preservation: Beijing, Chicago, and Paris. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2013.

Brian Bauer, Department of Anthropology, 1996-1997, 2005-2006 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Brian Bauer

Bauer, Brian S., and Lucas C. Kellett. “Cultural transformations of the Chanka homeland (andahuaylas, Peru) during the late intermediate period (AD 1000-1400).” Latin American Antiquity 21.1 (2010): 87-111.

Bauer, Brian S, Lucas C. Kellett, Silva M. Ara´oz, Sabine Hyland, Da´vila C. Socualaya, and Espinoza J. Flores. Los Chancas: Investigaciones Arqueolo´gicas En Andahuaylas (apuri´mac, Peru´). Lima: Instituto France´s de Estudios Andinos, 2013. Print.

Catherine Becker, Department of Art History, 2005-2006 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Catherine Becker

Becker, Catherine. Shifting Stones, Shaping the Past: Sculpture from the Buddhist Stupas of Andhra Pradesh. Oxford University Press, 2014.

Michelle Boyd, Departments of African American Studies and Political Science , 2003-2004 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Michelle Boyd

Boyd, Michelle R. Jim Crow Nostalgia: Reconstructing Race in Bronzeville. U of Minnesota Press, 2008. **Winner, 2009 Best Book Award, American Political Science Association, Race, Ethnicity, and Politics Section **Finalist, 2006 President’s Book Award, Social Science History Association

Boyd, Michelle. “The Downside of Racial Uplift: meaning of gentrification in an African American neighborhood.” City & Society 17.2 (2005): 265-288.

Christopher Boyer, Departments of History and Latin American and Latino Studies , 2009-2010 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Christopher Boyer

Boyer, Christopher R., ed. A Land Between Waters: Environmental Histories of Modern Mexico. University of Arizona Press, 2012.

Nicholas Brown, Department of English , 2002-2003 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Nicholas Brown

Brown, Nicholas. Utopian Generations: The Political Horizon of Twentieth–Century Literature.  Princeton University Press, 2005.

Mark Chiang, Department of English, 2005-2006 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Mark Chiang

Chiang, Mark. The Cultural Capital of Asian American Studies: Autonomy and Representation in the University. NYU Press, 2009.

Smita Das, Department of English, 2012-2013 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Smita Das

Das, Smita. “Subjecting Pleasure Claude McKay’s Narratives of Transracial Desire.” Journal of Black Studies 44.7 (2013): 706-724.

Molly Doane, Department of Anthropology, 2011-2012 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Molly Doane

Doane, Molly. “From Community Conservation to the (Lone) Forest Ranger: Accumulation by Conservation in a Mexican Forest.” Conservation and Society, 12.3 (2014): 233-244.

Doane, Molly. Stealing Shining Rivers: Agrarian Conflict, Market Logic, and Conservation in a Mexican Forest. University of Arizona Press, 2012.

Doane, Molly. “Orphans in the World System: Maya Coffee Producers in Chiapas, Mexico.” Anthropology Now 3.2 (2011): 17-27.

Nina Dubin, Department of Art History, 2007-2008 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Nina Dubin

Dubin, Nina L. Futures & Ruins: Eighteenth-Century Paris and the Art of Hubert Robert. Getty Publications, 2010.

Anne Eaton, Department of Philosophy, 2008-2009 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Anne Eaton

Eaton, Anne. “What’s Wrong With the Female Nude? A Feminist Perspective on Art and Pornography” in Art and Pornography:  Philosophical Essays,  edited by Jerrold Levinson and Hans Maes, Oxford University Press, 2012: 277–308.

Malgorzata Fidelis, Department of History, 2008-2009, 2014-2015 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Malgorzata Fidelis

Fidelis, Malgorzata, Women, Communism, and Industrialization in Postwar Poland. : Cambridge University Press, 2014. Print.

Leon Fink, Department of History, 2005-2006 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Leon Fink

Fink, Leon. Sweatshops at Sea: Governing Labor in a Globalized Industry, 1800-2010. University of North Carolina Press, 2011.

Michael R. Jin, Global Asian Studies Program, 2018-2019  Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Jin, Michael R. Citizens, Immigrants, and the Stateless: A Japanese American Diaspora in the Pacific. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2022.

Samuel Fleischacker, Department of Philosophy, 2000-2001, 2006-2007 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Samuel Fleischacker

Fleischacker, Samuel. Divine Teaching and the Way of the World: A Defense of Revealed Religion. Oxford University Press, 2011.

Heather Grossman, Department of Art History, 2008-2009 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Heather Grossman

Grossman, Heather, and Alicia Walker. Mechanisms of Exchange: Transmission in Medieval Art and Architecture of the Mediterranean, Ca. 1000-1500. Brill, 2013.

Rachel Havrelock, Department of English, 2006-2007 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Rachel Havrelock

Havrelock, Rachel. River Jordan: The mythology of a dividing line. University of Chicago Press, 2011.

Helen Jun, Department of English and African-American Studies, 2005-2006 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Helen Jun

Jun, Helen Heran. Race for Citizenship: Black Orientalism and Asian Uplift from Pre-emancipation to Neoliberal America. NYU Press, 2011.

Anna Kornbluh, Department of English, 2009-2010 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Anna Kornbluh

Kornbluh, Anna. Realizing Capital: Financial and Psychic Economies in Victorian Form. Oxford University Press, 2013.

Rama Mantena, Department of History, 2010-2011 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Rama Mantena

Mantena, Rama. “The Andhra Movement, Hyderabad State and the Origins of the Telangana Demand: Public Life And Political Discourse in South India, 1900-1956,”  India Review 13, 4 (2014).

Mantena, Rama Sundari. “Vernacular Publics and Political Modernity: Language and Progress in Colonial South India,” Modern Asian Studies. 47.5 (2013): 1678-1705.

Mantena, Rama Sundari. The Origins of Modern Historiography in India: Antiquarianism and Philology, 1780-1880. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Andrew McFarland, Department of Political Science, 1986-1987, 2007-2008 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Andrew McFarland

McFarland, Andrew S. Boycotts and Dixie Chicks: Creative Political Participation at Home and Abroad. Paradigm Pub, 2010.

Micheletti, Michele, and Andrew S. McFarland. Creative Participation: Responsibility-taking in the Political World. Stockholm University, Sweden, 2010.

Colleen McQuillen, Department of Slavic and Baltic Languages, 2010-2011 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Colleen McQuillen

McQuillen, Colleen. The Modernist Masquerade: Stylizing Life, Literature, and Costumes in Russia. University of Wisconsin Pres, 2013.

McQuillen, Colleen. “From The Fairground Booth to Futurism: The Sartorial and Material Estrangement of Masquerade.” The Russian Review. Issue 71.3 (July 2012). 413-435.

McQuillen, Colleen. “Artists’ Balls and Conceptual Costumes at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, 1885-1909.” Fashion Theory. 16.1 (2012): 29-48.

Virginia Miller, Department of Art History, 2004-2005 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Virginia Miller

Miller, Virginia. Textile designs in the Sculptured Facades of Northern Maya Architecture: Women’s Production, Cloth, Tribute, and Political Power (junior author with Jeff K. Kowalski). Ancient America, Special Publication No. 1, Sacred Bindings of the Cosmos: Ritual Acts of Bundling and Wrapping in Ancient Mesoamerica (2006), ed. Julia Guernsey and F. Kent Reilly III:145-174.

Miller, Virginia. Skeletons, Skulls, and Bones in the Art of Chichén Itzá. In New Perspectives on Human Sacrifice and Ritual Body Treatments in Ancient Maya Society, edited by Vera Tiesler and Andrea Cucina, pp. 165-189. Springer, New York, 2007.

Joel Palka, Departments of Anthropology and Latin-American Studies 2000-2001, 2011-2012 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Joel Palka

Palka, Joel W. Maya Pilgrimage to Ritual Landscapes: Insights from Archaeology, History, and Ethnography. UNM Press, 2014.

Anne E. Parsons, Department of History 2011-2012, Institute for the Humanities Dissertation Fellow

Anne E. Parsons

Parsons, Anne E. “From Asylum to Prison: The Story of Lincoln, Illinois,” Journal of Illinois History 15 (Winter 2011 [2012]).

Parsons, Anne E. “When the Erotic Becomes Illicit: Struggles over Displaying Queer History at a Mainstream Museum,” co-authored with Jill Austin, Jennifer Brier, and Jessica Herczeg-Konecny, Radical History Review 113 (Spring 2012).

Christina Pugh, Department of English, 2007-2008, Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Christina Pugh

Pugh, Christina. Grains of the Voice: Poems. Northwestern University Press, 2013.

Pugh, Christina. “On Sonnet Thought.” Literary Imagination, v.12: no. 3 (2010), 356-364.

Ruth Emily Rosenberg, Department of Theater and Music, 2011-2012, Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Ruth Emily Rosenberg

Rosenberg, Ruth. Music, Travel, and Imperial Encounter in 19th-Century France: Musical Apprehensions. Routledge, 2014.

Rosenberg, Ruth.  “Prosper Mérimée’s Improvisatrice: The Voice of Corsican Lament in Colomba.”  Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 42: 3-4 (2014): 176-189.

Margarita Saona, Department of French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, 1999-2000, 2007-2008 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Margarita Saona

Saona, Margarita. Memory Matters in Transitional Peru. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

Kevin Schultz, Department of History, 1999-2000, 2008-2009 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Kevin Schultz

Schultz, Kevin M. Tri-faith America: How Catholics and Jews Held Postwar America to Its Protestant Promise. Oxford University Press, 2011.

Sally Sedgwick, Department of Philosophy, 2004-2005, 2011-2012 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Sally Sedgwick

Sedgwick, Sally. Hegel’s Critique of Kant: From Dichotomy to Identity. Oxford University Press, 2012.

Sedgwick, Sally. “Our All-too-Human Hegelian Agency.” The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism. Ed. Matthew C. Altman. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 648-64. Print.

Sandy Sufian, Departments of Medical Education and Disability and Human Development, 2012-2013 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Sandy Sufian

Sufian, Sandy. “Compounded Anxieties: Adoptive Family Building and the Role of Disability in Adoption IQ Studies.” The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 7.3 (2014): 398-429.

Daniel Sutherland, Department of Philosophy, 2001-2002, 2013-2014 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Daniel Sutherland

“Kant on Construction and Composition of Motion in the Phoronomy,” special supplement to the Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 44 (5-6) 2014, 686-718.

Alfred Thomas, Departments of Germanic Studies and English, 2007-2008 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Alfred Thomas

Prague Palimpsest: Writing, Memory, and the City. University of Chicago Press, 2010

Shakespeare, Dissent, and the Cold War. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014

Javier Villa-Flores, Department of Latin-American and Latino Studies, 2002-2003, 2012-2013 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Javier Villa-Flores

Villa-Flores, Javier, and Sonya Lipsett-Rivera, eds. Emotions and Daily Life in Colonial Mexico. UNM Press, 2014.

Yue Zhang, Department of Political Science, 2012-2013 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Yue Zhang

Zhang, Yue. The Fragmented Politics of Urban Preservation: Beijing, Chicago, and Paris. , 2013. Print

Zhang, Yue. “Governing Art Districts: State Control and Cultural Production in Contemporary China.” The China Quarterly 219 (2014): 827-848.

Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska, Department of History, 2005-2006 Institute for the Humanities Fellow

Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska

Zweiniger-Bargielowska, Ina. Managing the Body: Beauty, Health, and Fitness in Britain, 1880-1939. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Ariela Zycherman, Post-Doctoral Fellow 2013-2014

Ariela Zycherman

Zycherman, Ariela. “Public and private dimensions of a birthday party: Politics, economics, and food in an Amazonian community.” Food and Foodways, 24:3-4, 153-172.

John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship: Christina Pugh
National Center for the Humanities Fellowship: Javier Villa-Flores
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship: Yue Zhang

ACLS Fellowship: Daniel Sutherland

Wenner Gren Foundation: Omur Harmansah. “Yalburt Yaylasi Archaeological Landscape Research Project.”

Koc University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Istanbul: Omur Harmansah, Residential Senior Fellowship

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Social Justice in Education Award, 2020: David Stovall
University of Chicago Black Metropolis Research Consortium Summer Fellowship Grant, 2020: David Stovall

Distinguished Scholar in Social Sciences: Claire Decoteau
UIC Rising Star in Humanities, Arts, Design, and Architecture: Adam Goodman
UIC Distinguished Scholar of the Year in Humanities, Arts, Design, and Architecture: Christina Pugh

John Simon Guggenheim: Edwin Curley
ACLS: Michael Lieb
ACLS: John J. Kylczycki

John Simon Guggenheim: John Frederick Nims
ACLS: Burton J. Bledstein
ACLS: James Cracraft

NEH: Susan Freeman
NEH: Judith Gardiner
NEH: Peter Bacon Hales
NEH: Melvin G. Holli
John Simon Guggenheim: Clark Hulse
John Simon Guggenheim: Michael Lieb

NEH: Burton J. Bledstein
NEH: Esther Parada
NEH: Margaret Strobel
John Simon Guggenheim: Michael Freidman
ACLS: David P. Jordan

NEH: Gerald Dworkin

NEH: Stephen R. Warner

NEH: David P. Jordan
NEH: A. LaVonne Ruoff

NEH: Brian Bauer
NEH: John Ramsey
ACLS: John J. Kulczycki

NEH: Sydney Halpern

Harry Frank Guggenheim: Jonathan Daly

NEH Eric Arnesen
NEH: Nicole Jordan
NEH: KIaus Muller-Bergh

1998- 1999
John Simon Guggenheim: Nicole Jordan
Woodrow Wilson: Richard John

NEH: Peter Hylton
John Simon Guggenheim: James Cracraft

NEH: Brain Bauer
NEH: Mary Kay Vaughan
NEH: Peter Bacon Hales

NEH: Virginia Wright Wexman

ACLS: Martha Pollak

NEH: Sandra Sufian

NEH: James Dee
ACLS: Peter Hylton

NEH: Christopher Boyer

NEH: John Ramsey

NEH: Sydney Halpern
NEH: Brian Bauer
Woodrow Wilson: Daniel Sutherland

NEH: John Ramsey
NEH: Stephen Engelmann
John Simon Guggenheim: Leon Fink
ACLS: Kim Potowski

ACLS: Nicholas Huggett
NEH: Alejando Madrid