Current Competitions

Current Competitions Heading link

  • Faculty Fellowships

    All full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty at the University of Illinois Chicago in humanities and related disciplines are eligible to apply for Faculty Fellowships. Fellows make visible the interdisciplinary community at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and are released from all formal teaching and administrative obligations for the fellowship period so that they can pursue their scholarship. While in residence at the Institute, the fellows participate in workshops and deliver public lectures on their research.

    Application Deadline: Current cycle is closed

  • Resident Graduate Scholar

    The UIC Institute for the Humanities is pleased to continue the Resident Graduate Scholar Program in 2025-2026. Resident Graduate Scholars will be provided office space and administrative support in the Institute for the Humanities. As Resident Scholars they will be required to attend 3-4 faculty fellows’ lunch seminars and/or lectures throughout the year. Institute for the Humanities Resident Graduate Scholar status is intended for students in the writing stage of the dissertation process.

    Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025 to