Susila Gurusami
Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology, Law, and Justice
"Making it Home: Race, Gender, and Carceral Migration
Building & Room:
4060A BSB
1007 W. Harrison St.
Dr. Gurusami is a sociologist of race, gender, punishment, and labor, with particular interests in carceral governance. She received her PhD in sociology from UCLA in 2017 and is a former University of California Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow. Her work has been published in Gender & Society, Social Problems, and Punishment and Society. Recognition for this scholarship include funding and awards from the American Sociological Association, Sociologists for Women in Society, Society for the Study of Social Problems, and the Racial Democracy, Crime, and Justice Network. She is currently writing a book manuscript titled Making it Home: Race, Gender, and Carceral Migration.
Selected Publications
Gurusami, Susila. 2019. “ Motherwork Under the State: The Maternal Labor of Formerly
Incarcerated Black Women .” Social Problems 66 (1): Pages 128–143.
Gurusami, Susila. 2018. “The Carceral Web We Weave: Carceral Citizens’ Experiences of Digital Punishment and Solidarity.” Punishment and Society.
Gurusami, Susila. 2017. “Working for Redemption: Formerly Incarcerated Black Women and Punishment in the Labor Market.” Gender & Society 31(4):433–56 [lead article].