Fellows Lecture: Keith Budner, “Palimpsest Nation: Roman Hispania and the Converso Renaissance”
October 11, 2022
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Behavioral Sciences Building
1007 W Harrison Street, Suite 153, Chicago, IL 60607
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Fellows Lecture: Keith Budner,
Hispanic and Italian Studies
Inquisition, expulsion, laws of blood purity – early modern Spain is frequently a narrative of religiosity and xenophobia. But such realities also produced a response, one I trace in my project Palimpsest Nation. Despite the efforts of self-purported “Old Christians” to demarcate Spanishness according to bloodlines and race, both converted Jews in Spain and their brethren in exile continued to see themselves as Spanish. To do so, these Jews and Judeoconversos had to reimagine Spain itself, which they did by turning to the peninsula’s pre-Christian past as the Roman colony of Hispania and its storied legacy of Latin authors.
Date posted
Sep 2, 2022
Date updated
Sep 27, 2022