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Conferences Archive (2021 – 2022)

2021-2022 Conferences Heading link

2021-2022 Conferences

Capture/Connect/Shift: Infrastructure, Blackness, and Racial Capital


Capture/Connect/Shift: Infrastructure, Blackness, and Racial Capital

A Workshop and Public Conversation
Organized by Sabine Mohamed, UIC Anthropology

Workshop Schedule

Location: Room 605 Student Center East, Floor 6, 750 South Halsted, on the UIC campus



  • Mark Canuel, Director, Institute for the Humanities, UIC
  • Sabine Mohamed, Department of Anthropology, UIC
  • AbdouMaliq Simone, Urban Institute, University of Sheffield


Jovan Scott LEWIS (University of California, Berkeley): Salting the Earth: Violent Urbanism and Restorative Blackness in Tulsa



AbdouMaliq SIMONE (University of Sheffield): Dispossession-Repossession: Urbanizing the lines in Between



Coffee break



Sabine MOHAMED (UIC): The Force of Rubble and Stones: Afro-Futures and the Imperial Imaginaries of Blackness in Ethiopia



Jaime ALVARES (University of California, Santa Barbara): Blackscapes: Notes on Urban Precarity and the Poetics of Fugitivity in Suspended Times



Lunch break



Jatin DUA (University of Michigan): Chokepoint: Port Making as Kin-making in the Red Sea



Danielle BEAUJON (UIC): (Re)Building Algiers: Racial Segregation in the “Republican” Empire



Ryan JOBSON (University of Chicago): The State Masquerade: Counter-plantation Futures and the Trinidad Oil Strike of 1937



Next Steps



Coffee/Tea Break



PLEASE NOTE: Masking and Vaccination required to attend in-person conversation.

Public Conversation (in person and live streamed): “You’re Surrounded:” Urban Life, General Strike, and Black Abolitionist Ontologies

Link to streaming:

With AbdouMaliq Simone (University of Sheffield)

Susila Gurusami (UIC)

Cedric Johnson (UIC)

Moderated by Sabine Mohamed (UIC)

Beyond Binary: Genders in the Past, Present, and Future

This conference explores nonbinary gender in an interdisciplinary context. While journalists note that nonbinary identity is seeping into national consciousness, this series of panels, performances, and conversations will bring more focused attention to the nonbinary with discussions of gender relations from the multiple points of view afforded by humanistic inquiry. Drawing together researchers, writers, artists, and activists, our discussions will explore patterns of thought and practice in history, philosophy, culture, and the arts that will contribute to new understanding and inspire further conversation. What is the history of nonbinary gender identity? How does it connect to other ways of thinking of gender? How does nonbinary gender connect to histories and theories of sexuality? How are new ways of thinking about gender contributing to changes in law, politics, and culture?

Here is the complete schedule for Beyond Binary: Genders in the Past, Present, and Future. This page will be updated with the latest scheduling information!

Organized by

Mark Canuel (UIC, Dept. of English) – he/him

JT Turner (UIC, Gender and Sexuality Center) – they/them

Nic Weststrate (UIC, Education) – he/him

DAY 1 / Thursday, October 7

9:00-9:30am Welcome

9:30-11am Community First: A Dialog

We begin this conference with a dialog centering the diverse voices and stories of trans non-binary community members. Join us in a grounding conversation with college students and recent graduates as we collectively reflect upon and imagine gender in the past, present, and future.

Introduced by Nic Weststrate (UIC, Education) – he/him, moderated by JT Turner (UIC, Gender and Sexuality Center) – they/them

11am-11:15am Break 

11:15am-12:45pm Trans & Non-Binary Cultures and Histories

How do we situate non-binary identity historically? What is the relationship between non-binary identity and other histories of gender and sexuality?  15-minute presentations

Moderator: Jennifer Brier (UIC, History & Gender and Women’s Studies)

Erica Chu (Harry S. Truman College English) – they/them: “On Harry/Harriet becoming Harriet: Looking for Nonbinary Identity in Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven”

Leah DeVun (Rutgers, History) – she/they: “Nonbinary Sex and Gender before Modernity”

Lucy Nicholas (Western Sydney University, Sociology) – they/them: ‘Not “new” genders: historical critiques of the gender binary’

Gayatri Reddy (UIC, Anthropology) – she/her: “All Thirdness is Not Alike: Hijras and Questions of Sexual and Gendered Difference in India”

12:45-2pm Lunch Break 

2-3:30pm Interdisciplinary Research Conversation

What kind of academic research on non-binary identities and cultures is happening at this moment? How does work on non-binary identity impact academic disciplines? How do different disciplinary perspectives contribute to our conversations within and beyond academia? 15-minute presentations

Moderator: Natalie Bennett (UIC, Women’s Leadership and Resource Center) – She/they

Robin Dembroff (Yale, Philosophy) – they/them: “The Non-Binary Path to Anti-Essentialism”

Jules Gill-Peterson (University of Pittsburgh, English) – she/her: “Transsexual Theory Talks Nonbinary”

Z Nicolazzo (University of Arizona, Education) – she/her: “Nonbinary as Wedge Trans Politics”

Barbara Risman (UIC, Sociology) – she/her: “Category X: A three-city study of gender identities among people who reject the binary”

3:30-4pm Break 

4–5:30pm Reading, Performing, Celebrating

Michael Oliveros (UIC, Gender and Women’s Studies & Global Asian Studies; Artist, Author) – they/them

Kay Ulanday Barrett (Artist, Author) – they/them



DAY 2 / Friday, October 8

10:30am 12pm Roundtable Discussion on Research, Activism, and Community

Where is research starting from, and where is it going? How does academic scholarship on non-binary gender engage with our communities? How are communities opening up new directions in research? 5-8-minute presentations and conversation

Moderator: TJ Billard (Northwestern University, School of Communication; Director, Center for Applied Transgender Studies) – they/them

Heath Fogg Davis (Political Science, Temple University) – he/him

Kim L. Hunt (Executive Director, Pride Action Tank) – she/her

Lore/tta LeMaster (Human Communication, Arizona State University) – she/they

Bunny McKensie Mack (Activist, Researcher, CEO, MMG) –  they/them

Em Rabelais (UIC, Human Development Nursing Science) – fae/femme, they/themme

12:15-1pm Lunch

1pm-2pm “House Music: An Exploration of Queer Black Joy in Chicago”

Jae Rice, a.k.a. DJ Dapper (practitioner of freedom) – he/him

2-2:15pm Closing Remarks

2:15-3pm Virtual Coffee Time (link available at conference).

Join us for informal post-conference conversation!


Archaists and Innovators Re-read Viktor Shklovsky’s 60 Years

Humanities Frontiers Workshop

Humanities Frontiers Workshop: Archaists and Innovators Re-read Viktor Shklovsky’s In 60 Years: Works on Cinema

Organized by Mark Lipovetsky (Columbia University), Serguei Oushakine (Princeton University), and Julia Vaingurt and Matthew Kendall (UIC Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian Studies)

Please note: we are delighted to welcome the public to sessions on Friday, October 15, 2021.

Saturday and Sunday Sessions are open to invited participants only.

Workshop Schedule

9:30 – 10:00am Breakfast

10:00 – 12:00 – SESSION 1

Kevin Platt:  Loop, Cut, Cycle: The Shapes of Celluloid Histories

Matthew Kendall:  нрзб“: Shklovskii’s Sound Proofing

12:00 – 1:00 – Lunch

1:00 – 3:00 – SESSION 2 

Lilya Kaganovsky:  Mistakes. Injuries. Cinema: 60 Years of Being Wrong About Cinema

Maria Belodubrovskaya:  Rape, as Device: Shklovsky’s Cinegrammatical Palimpsest

3:00 – Coffee Break

4:00-7:00 – FILM SCREENING

VMayakovsky (Dir. Alexander Shein, 2018)

Film screening will be followed by the Q&As with the film director Alexander Shein (via zoom).

Location: Gallery 400, 400 South Peoria St.

7:00 – Dinner

October 16, Saturday:

9:30 – 10:00 – Breakfast

10:00  – 12:00 – SESSION 3 

Oksana Bulgakowa:  Ошибки и изобретения. Шкловский и вещь на экране

Mark Lipovetsky:  Shklovsky’s Theory of Parody?

12:00 – 12:30 – Coffee Break

12:30 – 2:30 – SESSION 4 

Colleen McQuillen:  Art as Analysis, or How Can Shklovsky Address Climate Change

Serguei Oushakine: What Is and What Ought to Be: Curing Modal Schizophrenia of Socialist Realism with Shklovsky

2:30 – 3:30 – Lunch

3:30 – 5:30 – SESSION 5

Ilya Kalinin: Куда шагали Дзига Вертов и Виктор Шкловский? Шестая часть мира: между эпосом и очерком.

7:00 – Dinner for the participants, location TBD.

October 17, Sunday:

9:30-10:00 – Breakfast

10:00  – 12:00 – SESSION 6

Nariman Skakov:  On Tolstoy and Errors (yet again)

Julia Vaingurt:  Freedom and Necessity, Immunity and Community in Shklovsky’s Thoughts on Cinematic Tragedy

12:00 – 1:00  – Farewell lunch & departure.