Co-Sponsored Events
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The UIC Institute for the Humanities welcomes the opportunity to co-sponsor humanities events with other units on campus. To request support please see the Co-Sponsorship Request page.
Surviving the Long Wars: A Lecture Series, Harsha Walia
Surviving the Long Wars: A Lecture Series, Harsha Walia
January 26, 2023
3:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Digital Asia Series talk with Dr. Silvia Lindtner
Digital Asia Series talk with Dr. Silvia Lindtner
February 6, 2023
Surviving the Long Wars: A Lecture Series, Nick C. Estes
Surviving the Long Wars: A Lecture Series, Nick C. Estes
February 16, 2023
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
VOICELESS event: a reading and discussion
Romero a staged reading by Xiomara Cornejo
February 20, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Surviving the Long Wars: A Lecture Series, Kelly Hayes
Surviving the Long Wars: A Lecture Series, Kelly Hayes
March 30, 2023
3:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Digital Asia Series talk with Dr. Rajesh Veeraraghavan
Digital Asia Series talk with Dr. Rajesh Veeraraghavan
April 4, 2023
Surviving the Long Wars: A Lecture Series, Tiffany King
Surviving the Long Wars: A Lecture Series, Tiffany King
April 13, 2023
3:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Friday, April 22, 2022 from 4:30 - 6 PM
Capture/Connect/Shift: Infrastructure, Blackness, and Racial Capital
A Workshop and Public Conversation
Organized by Sabine Mohamed, UIC Anthropology
Friday, April 22, 2022 from 4:30 – 6 PM
Conversation in person at
Room 605, Student Center East, 750 South Halsted
University of Illinois Chicago
Livestream link:
PLEASE NOTE: Masking and Vaccination required to attend in-person conversation.”
Public Conversation: “You’re Surrounded:” Urban Life, General Strike, and Black Abolitionist Ontologies
With AbdouMaliq Simone (University of Sheffield)
Susila Gurusami (UIC)
Cedric Johnson (UIC)
Moderated by Sabine Mohamed (UIC)
Monday, April 18, 2022 from 5:30 – 7 PM CT, via Webinar (link below)
Codas on CODA the Movie
Monday, April 18, 2022 from 5:30 – 7 PM CT, via Webinar (link below)
There has been a lot of discussion and feedback about the Academy Award-winning film CODA from hearing people, Deaf people, and others. What has been missing are the reactions of Codas themselves. A panel of Codas will discuss the film’s merits and areas for improvement as well as discuss the complex and nuanced identity of being a hearing Child of Deaf Adults.
No registration required; all are welcome!
Go to this web address:
Panelists include:
Millie Brother, CODA Founder
Lennard Davis, Professor, UIC
Jasmine Awad, Ph.D. Student, University of Washington
Abby Long, Moderator, CODA International President
Bob Hoffmeister, Professor, Boston University
Caroline Casselini, Masters Student, HMKW University, Berlin
Orie Barajas, Interpreted and preforming artist
Leah Monson, Open/close panel, Member ad Large, CODA Intl.
Event will be captioned and ASL/IS Interpreted
Event co-sponsored by CODA International and UIC Institute for the Humanities
Friday, April 8 from 12-7 PM
April 8-9, 2022
National Hellenic Museum and the UIC Department of Classics and Mediterranean Studies are thrilled to co-host a Homer-athon: A Reading of Homer’s Odyssey in its entirety.
We invite you to join us as reader, or as a guest viewer, on Friday, April 8 from 12-7 PM and Saturday, April 9 from 10 AM-4 PM at the National Hellenic Museum, 333 S Halsted St, Chicago.
Please join us as we read the ancient tale of Odysseus’ journey home from war—a changed man who found a changed family and household. Like him, each of us is also adjusting to new circumstances in our lives as we emerge from the pandemic. What better way to begin our journey home together?
Each reader will be assigned a specific passage that is approximately 3 minutes long. Sign up for one passage or many. Click here to view the section and passage descriptions and click here to sign up to read. If being a reader isn’t for you, consider participating as an audience member. Bring your friends and stay for as long (or as little) as you like at this engaging, live event!
Email us at with any questions. Parking information and further instructions will be emailed closer to the event.
Cosponsored with the UIC Institute for the Humanities
April 5 from 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Middle East and North Africa
Join us for engaging roundtables, presentations, and conversations exploring gender, sexuality, and women’s activism across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regions and diasporas.
This interdisciplinary initiative brings together students, faculty, and staff from East and West campus, along with community partners, to share a diverse range of research, narratives, and creative expression related to women and gender in the MENA. Programs are free.
This program has been awarded funding by the John Nuveen International Development Fund and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Diversity Council.
April 5 from 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Symposium on Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East, North Africa, and Related Diasporas
In Person Event:
The Jane Addams Hull-House Museum
Residents’ Dining Hall, 800 South Halsted Street
April 5: 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Suad Joseph, Distinguished Professor, University of California, Davis
“Who Cares? Studying Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa”
Dr. Joseph is a leading figure in the field of anthropology and women’s studies of the Middle East and North Africa. Joseph’s focus has primarily been on her native Lebanon and its diaspora, but she has also conducted research in Iraq and among Arabs in the US and Canada. Joseph has theorized culturally situated notions of “self”, “rights”, “citizenship” in the context of different political regimes and in the context of the pressures and processes of globalization. She is carrying out a long-term research project following a cohort of children in a Lebanese village, observing, as they grow, how they learn their notions of rights, responsibilities, nationality, citizenship; how these notions come to be gendered; and how the notions are transferred from family arenas into political/public arenas. She leads a project analyzing the representation of Arabs, Muslims, Arab American, and Muslim Americans in major American print news media. Prof. Joseph is the founder of the Middle East Research Group in Anthropology (which evolved into the Middle East Section of the American Anthropological Association), founder of the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies (AMEWS) and the Arab Families Research Group. She founded and directs the University of California Davis Arab Region Consortium, including the American University of Beirut, the American University in Cairo, the Lebanese American University, Birzeit University, American University of Sharjah, and UC Davis. She was president of the Middle East Studies Association of North America in 2010-2011. She is co-founder and founding president of the Arab American Studies Association and co-founder of the Association for Middle East Anthropology. She is General Editor of the Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. She has edited or co-edited 10 books and published over 100 articles in journals and books. She is founding Director of the Middle East/South Asia Studies Program at UC Davis and was awarded the UC Davis Prize – the largest undergraduate teaching and research prize in the United States.
Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Middle East and North Africa is sponsored by the following groups, click here.
Friday, February 18 from 1:00-4:30 PM and Saturday, February 19 from 10 AM – 5 PM
Workshop: Social Ontologies of Oppression, Solidarity, and Care
Organized by Annette Martín, Bridge to Faculty Postdoctoral Research Associate, Philosophy
Dates: Friday, February 18 from 1:00-4:30 PM
Saturday, February 19 from 10 AM – 5 PM
Location: UIC Institute for the Humanities, 701 South Morgan, Lower Level Stevenson Hall, UIC Campus
This will be a pre-read workshop. Please contact Annette Martín @ to register and receive access to the papers.
What are ‘structures’ of oppression and what kinds of agency do those situated within them possess? What is the relationship between alienation and social identities, including gender and race? What is the relationship between interlocking systems of race, class, gender, etc. and individuals’ intersectional experiences of oppression? What does it mean to be a comrade to those we do not know?
This workshop will bring together 8 early career scholars from across the US with commentators from the Chicago area to present in-progress articles and book chapters that address questions in social ontology relating to oppression and solidarity from historical and philosophical perspectives. The workshop aims to demonstrate how philosophical methods can illuminate the ontologies of social and political thinkers in different historical contexts, and conversely, how historical scholarship can also enrich the conceptual repertoire of contemporary philosophical questions within the area of social ontology.
Presenters will include:
Daniel Brinkerhoff Young (PhD Candidate, New York University)
Eric Bayruns García (Assistant Professor, California State University, San Bernardino)
César Cabezas (ACLS Postdoctoral Fellow, Temple University)
Yarran Hominh (Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, Dartmouth College)
Megan Hyska (Assistant Professor, Northwestern University)
Laura Martin (Brady Scholars Program Postdoctoral Fellow, Northwestern University)
Annette Martín (Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois at Chicago)
Philip Yaure (Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech)
Sponsors: UIC Philosophy Department, UIC Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy, UIC Institute for the Humanities, Kaplan Humanities Center, Northwestern Political Science Department, and the International Social Ontology Society
Friday, February 4th, 2022 at 108 Henry Hall, UIC
Erina Duganne, Professor of Art History in the School of Art and Design, Texas State University
“Artists Call’s Revolutionary Futures”
“The modern concept of revolution,” writes Hannah Arendt, is “inextricably bound up with the notion that the course of history suddenly begins anew, that an entirely new story, a story never known or told before, is about to unfold.” This temporal formation of revolutions as initiating new futures was primary to the solidarity efforts of Artists Call Against US Intervention in Central America, a short-lived activist campaign initiated in 1983 by Daniel Flores y Ascencio, Lucy Lippard, Coosje van Bruggen, Doug Ashford, Leon Golub, Josely Carvalho, and others. Through a series of exhibitions as well as performances, poetry readings, film screenings, concerts, and other cultural and educational events organized in New York City to raise money in support of Central American self-determination, agency, and culture, Artists Call sought to dismantle the unrelenting legacy of U.S. imperialism in Latin America, in which the Reagan administration’s interventionalist policies in Central America were implicitly entangled. This talk considers both the campaign’s efforts to harness revolution’s politics of liberation to envision changed futures and how this revolutionary change was likewise curtailed. Still, rather than see revolution’s attendant disappointments and incongruities as indications of the campaign’s failure, the talk seeks to pry open time’s layered, multi-dimensional, and multi-durational qualities and thereby show how Artists Call’s visual solidarity continues to hold resonance today.
Erina Duganne is Professor of Art History in the School of Art and Design at Texas State University. Her research and writing address three interrelated areas: artist activism and solidarity practices; documentary photography and its histories; and race and its representation. She is co-author of Global Photography: A Critical History, author of The Self in Black and White: Race and Subjectivity in Postwar American Photography, and co-editor of Beautiful Suffering: Photography and the Traffic in Pain. Her current research project on Artists Call Against U.S. Intervention in Central America consists of two parts: An exhibition, which opens at the Tufts University Art Galleries in January 2022, and an in-progress book manuscript, for which she was recently awarded an Arts Writers Grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation.
Organizer UIC Art History Department / Cosponsor Institute for the Humanities
December 10. 2021, 8:55 AM - 3:55 PM (online)
Unwinding Privatization:
(Re)municipalism and the Public Interest
December 10. 2021 ONLINE
8:55 AM – 3:55 PM
For a PDF of the full schedule, see here:
The event is free, but registration is required to
attend. Register at
Cosponsored by UIC Department of Political Science, Great Cities
Institute, Institute for the Humanities, and College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs.
February 26, 2020, 5 - 7 PM
“LOVE ANGER MADNESS: The Subtle Activism of Haitian-American Artist Jean-Ulrick Désert”
University Hall 1501
Artist talk/Presentation/Discussion with Jean-Ulrick Désert
Désert is a visual artist based in Berlin, Germany. Désert’s artworks vary in form; billboards, actions, paintings, sculptures, videos and art objects. His work emerges from a tradition of conceptual art engaged with social/cultural concerns. He is known for his provocative and poetic projects, most notably his “Negerhosen2000,” his “Burqa Project” and his “Goddess Projects.” Désert has said his practice may be characterized as visualizing “conspicuous invisibility.” He has exhibited at the Grand Palais, the Brooklyn Museum, the Studio Museum of Harlem, Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej Bunkier Sztuki, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Savvy Contemporary and other venues in Europe, the Americas and Africa. He is the recipient of awards, public commissions, and private philanthropy. He is a graduate of The Cooper Union and Columbia University and has lectured at Humboldt University, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Trans Art Institute, and École supérieure des Beaux-Arts. His work was selected as the solo artist for the Haiti Pavillion at the Venice Biennale 2019 and he is currently creating a permanent commemorative project at Berlin’s Humboldt University on the American scholar W.E.B. Dubois.
Contact: School of Literatures, Cultural Studies and Linguistics (312) 996-5218
March 5, 2020, 4 - 5:30pm
“Refugee Stories: A Conversation with Bao Phi and Kao Kalia Yang”
UIC Daley Library 1-470
801 S. Morgan St.
A part of the GLAS Spring 2020 series on refugee issues, two award-winning writers, Bao Phi and Kao Kalia Yang, discuss their work on the history and experience of Asian refugees in American society.
Bao Phi has been a spoken word poet for over two decades. He has two collections of poems, both published by Coffeehouse Press, Sông I Sing and Thousand Star Hotel, the latter of which was nominated for the Minnesota Book Award and was chosen as 2017’s best poetry book of the year by San Francisco State’s Poetry Center. He is also the author of two children’s books. A Different Pond received multiple awards including a Caldecott Honor, an Ezra Jack Keats Honor, Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association award for best picture book, the Minnesota Book Award for picture books, and the Charlotte Zolotow Award for excellence in children’s book writing. My Footprints was named a Best Fiction Book for Young Readers by the Chicago Public Library.
Kao Kalia Yang is a Hmong-American writer. Born in the refugee camps of Thailand to a family that escaped the genocide of the Secret War in Laos, she came to America at the age of six. She is the author of The Latehomecomer: A Hmong Family Memoir, winner of the 2009 Minnesota Book Awards in Creative Nonfiction/Memoir and Readers’ Choice, a finalist for the PEN USA Award in Creative Nonfiction and the Asian Literary Award in Nonfiction. Her second book, The Song Poet won the 2016 Minnesota Book Award in Creative Nonfiction Memoir, was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Chautauqua Prize, a PEN USA Award in Nonfiction and the Dayton’s Literary Peace Prize. The book is the first Hmong story adapted into an opera by the Minnesota Opera (it will premiere in the spring of 2021). She also writes children’s books and co-edited a collection of essays, What God is Honored Here?: Writings on Miscarriage and Infant Loss By and For Indigenous Women and Women of Color (University of MN Press). Kao Kalia Yang is also a teacher and a public speaker.
Funded by AANAPISI Initiative
Other cosponsors: UIC AANAPISI Initiative; Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Asian Americans (CCSAA), Institute for the Humanities
Additional details here:
October 21-25, 2019 each day at 12:00 PM
Ibero-American Film Festival at UIC
Latino Cultural Center
Organized by Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies
October 11, 2019
Mini-Conference on Modern Latin American Art
Location Henry Hall Room 106
Organized by Department of Art History
October 5, 2019 from 2-4 PM
Homerathon Workshop
Organized by UIC Classics and Mediterraneam Studies, Classics at Valparaiso, Classics at Loyola University Chicago
October 4, 2019
Decolonize Your Syllabus: Workshops by Dr. Yvette
Organized by Dr. Em Rabelais, College of Nursing
September 11, 2019 12-1:30pm
Shared Paths, Divergent Fates: A Dual Narrative Approach to Palestine-Israel With Hussein Ibish, and David Myers
Organized by Jewish Studies, Religious Studies, and Philosophy
September 11, 2020 9:30am-3:30pm
Right Wing & the Media
Location: Richard J. Daley Library (801 S. Morgan St.)
Conference: “The Right Wing and the Media”
Keynote speaker: Samuel C. Woolley, School of Journalism, Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin.
Sponsored with the Germanic Studies and Communication Departments, the Institute for the Humanities, and the LCSL